These are the actual worksheets we worked with for the
first 6 months of ImwithJamie Classes!

This was back in 2011, so alot has happened since then!

But we do not use worksheets anymore since alot of the outlines are to be found in these.

This was a collection of foundations and notes that I took during the first 18 classes.

They represent the methodology behind marketing research, brand creation, scheduling, business models, content creation, find traffic, make sales and run customer service.

Worksheet 01
Worksheet 02
Worksheet 03
Worksheet 04
Worksheet 05
Worksheet 06
Worksheet 07
Worksheet 08
Worksheet 09
Worksheet 10
Worksheet 11
Worksheet 12
Worksheet 13
Worksheet 14
Worksheet 15
Worksheet 16
Worksheet 17
Worksheet 18